About Lobatio

Lobatio is a newly launched gardening service company in Hong Kong, aiming at transforming the concrete metropolis into lush and dynamic green sanctuaries. Coming into the market with sustainable excellence as its core, Lobatio provides a broad range of gardening services pertaining to landscape design, plant maintenance, rejuvenation for improved functionality, and aesthetic attractiveness. It wants to make the work of gardening easy and accessible both for homeowners and business owners, empowering clients to create a beautiful outdoor space that fosters relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether it be developing a small balcony garden or creating a larger landscape for your oasis, Lobatio is your trusted partner in the growth of thriving green spaces.


Precision Planting for Perfect Gardens

Gardening is an art of bringing into being a green space of taste and finesse, which flourishes because of forethought in planning and expertise in execution. This involves the right selection of plants that are suitable for your environment, as well as proper planting depth, spacing, and time for optimal growth. A garden can be made to flourish with a minimum of maintenance but still gain maximum beauty and green by paying attention to precision.

At Lobatio, we pride ourselves on offering precision planting services. After sensibly considering the soil quality to light exposure that your garden area is prone to, we will determine the right mix of plants. This process ensures that you get a plant display that not only looks brilliant for an extended period but also helps improve environmental sustainability. Precision planting allows one to have the ultimate garden of desires.

Soil Analysis and Preparation

Plant Selection

Correct Planting Depth and Spacing

Optimal Planting Time

Watering and Irrigation Management

Ongoing Upkeep and Maintenance


Choose Lobatio because of our commitment to personalized, high-quality gardening service. We specialize in precision planting of only a selection of plants that will position your grounds for optimal growth. Combining expertise in sustainable gardening with the passion for creating beautiful, low-maintenance green spaces we tailor to your needs, our team provides complete maintenance, from design to maintenance, using eco-friendly practices to promote luscious green in gardens. Lobatio will let you have an animated, lovely outdoor with the least effort from your side.



Precision Planting
Our precision planting cautiously chooses each plant and then places it in your garden according to the soil, light, and climate of your garden. This maximizes the green and growth of each plant to give you rich and long-lasting green spaces with minimal maintenance, yet full aesthetic value.


Eco-Friendly Practices
At Lobatio, eco-friendly gardening techniques remain of main priority; hence, sustainability and maintaining lustre green in the environment are ensured. From the use of organic fertilizers to the incorporation of methods which will save water through irrigation, our techniques are such that they minimize waste and the use of chemicals.


Customized Approach
We believe each garden is unique and special in its own way and has some personal touch in design and maintenance. From the listening of your dreams to a site analysis, every facet of your garden is individually created and crafted to meet your needs, reflect your style, and flourish in its setting.


Full-Service Maintenance
Our maintenance services ensure that your garden continues to remain beautiful long after the date of installation. Be it regular pruning, watering, fertilizing, or taking upkeep of certain plant disease problems, we are always ready to offer support for a beautiful and thriving outdoor area throughout every season.

Our Blog

Lobatio will be advised and receive real tips on how to make the outdoor areas the liveliest green oasis through this blog segment. Precision planting and eco-friendly gardening practices are just a few of the many topics we have covered; another is creative design ideas and seasonal maintenance advice. Whether you are an avid gardener or just starting out, receive expert advice and inspiration to help you achieve that gorgeous, thriving garden. Stay updated with our latest posts and catch up on the hottest gardening trends.